Enhancing human capital

Basic stance

Reflecting our founder’s idea that “a business is as good as its people” and believing that human resources growth is the driving force that underpins strengthening the business, we are working to enhance our human capital.

The most important issue is to train and acquire human resources who will accomplish the long-term vision “Vision 110.” Along with building a human resources portfolio to achieve business plans, we are creating an environment and fostering a culture that invigorate diverse individuals and organizations to allow all participants to demonstrate their maximum potential.

Human resources management

As we enhance human capital, we recognize that to achieve our business strategies it is important to place importance on employees and energize people and organizations.

The Kyorin Group’s basic policy underlying our human resources management system views the Company and its employees as partners who, by continuously fulfilling the responsibilities expected of each other over the long term, realize mutual benefits (with employees contributing to the Company’s development, and the Company enriching employees’ lives and contributing to their self-fulfillment).

We are creating frameworks (systems, standards, guidelines, etc.) for hiring, position assignments, growth (training), evaluations, transfers, compensation, welfare, and other benefits, and promoting their appropriate operation based on this policy.

In the engagement survey carried out annually at each Group company, we aim for higher scores in major areas while incorporating the opinions of the human resources management system that surface in the survey to review and improve the system.

Image: Partners for mutual benefits over the long term

Human resources development

The Company supports the growth of its employees by creating structured and systematic educational programs that provide opportunities for both solo learning (autonomous improvement of one’s personality and abilities) and joint learning (mutual growth and support).

The structure and mechanisms for solo learning include e-learning, correspondence courses, referrals for business magazine subscriptions, support for language learning, individual overseas study, support for the acquisition of qualifications, and subsidized external seminars.

In joint learning, we offer tiered programs ranging from new employee training to training for managers. Functional training is provided by each department to give employees the knowledge and skills required in their roles.

Overall structure of solo learning/joint learning
Solo learning
  • e-learning
  • Correspondence courses
  • Referrals for business magazine subscriptions
  • Support for language learning
  • Support for individual overseas study
  • Support for acquisition of qualifications
  • Subsidized external seminars
joint learning (tiered programs)

For managers

  • Program for new directors
  • Program for new managers
    • Program for second-year managers
    • Program for first-year managers
    • Program for preappointment managers

For mgeneral employees

  • Professional program
  • Core skills program 2
  • Core skills program 1
  • Third-year employee program
  • Second-year employee program
  • New graduate and career guidance program

Main scores for the item “job satisfaction” from the engagement survey

Displays a graph of Main scores for the item “job satisfaction” from the engagement survey

Amount spent on training per employee

Displays a graph of Amount spent on training per employee