Kyorin Group

KYORIN Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., will conduct new drug business as a core company of the Kyorin Group, while striving to leverage the collective strengths of the Group as a whole by efficiently allocating and managing management resources.

KYORIN Rimedio Co., Ltd. mainly conducts generic drug business, while Kyorin Group Factory Co., Ltd. mainly manufactures pharmaceuticals and other products.

Image: Kyorin Group

Group Companies


KYORIN Rimedio Co., Ltd.

Capital 1,200 million yen (Percentage of ownership: 100%)
Head office 287-1, Shimocho Moroe-machi Kanazawa Shi, Ishikawa, 920-0017, Japan
Operations Manufacture and sales of prescription drugs
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KYORIN Pharmaceutical Group Facilities Co., Ltd.

Capital 350 million yen (Percentage of ownership: 100%)
Head office 1-3-7, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0004, Japan
Operations Manufacturing and testing of prescription drugs
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Equity-Method Affiliate

Nippon Rika Co., Ltd.

Capital 411 million (Percentage of ownership: 29.9%)
Head office 2-2 Nihonbashi Honcho 4-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0023
Operations Production and sales of pharmaceutical ingredients