Privacy Policy

Important matters regarding handling of personal information

1. Name of the entity handling the personal information

KYORIN Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

2. Purposes of use of personal information (personal data in possession)

(1) Personal information (personal data in possession) of doctors, dentists, pharmacists and other medical professionals and those belonging to medical or pharmaceutical research institutes

  • Provision and collection of information related to appropriate use of medical goods
  • Provision and collection of information related to the quality, safety and effectiveness of medical goods
  • Performance of surveys and research in the medical and pharmaceutical areas
  • Provision and collection of medical treatment and academic information
  • Membership verification on websites for medical personnel and contact with members
  • Requesting and conducting clinical trials and surveys after market release
  • Holding of academic and study group meetings
  • Collecting and providing information when recovering medical goods and dealing with contents of individual cases
  • Notification and reporting to public offices

(2) Personal information (personal data in possession) of those who have ordered our healthcare products by mail, requested samples or responded to campaign events

  • Processing orders received, shipping and settling payments for purchased products
  • Shipment of samples and gifts
  • Sending notices on our products and campaigns

(3) Personal information (personal data in possession) of those who contacted Drug Information Center and other contacting points of the company

  • Studying, surveying for and dealing with matters consulted or conveyed, and storage of records
  • Contacting and providing information to manufacturers, dealers and medical personnel related to the products
  • Management of guests who visited our company
  • Notification and reporting to public offices

(4) Personal information (personal data in possession) of shareholders

  • Performing obligations stipulated in laws and regulations and exercise their rights as a shareholder
  • Offering benefits relating to the position as a shareholder
  • Implementing measures for smooth communication with shareholders
  • Shareholder management by preparing shareholder data pursuant to the statutory standards, etc.

(5) Personal information (personal data in possession) of directors and employees of our business partners

  • Communication and adjustment for transactions of medical goods, materials and other products

(6) Personal information (personal data in possession) of job applicants

  • Reviewing and deciding on employment

(7) Personal information (personal data in possession) of directors, employees, retirees, etc.

  • Management of attendance, remuneration and salary payment, personnel matters, appraisal, work conditions, skill development, welfare benefits, safety and hygiene, etc.
  • Communication and provision of information to mutual benefit associations, health insurance associations, employees pension funds, subsidiaries and affiliates
  • Publication of in-house newsletters
  • Communication with and distribution of handouts to members of associations of former workers
  • Notification and reporting to public offices

3. Shared Use of Personal Data

KYORIN Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has entered into a contract with Nihon Ultrmarc Inc. and as a member, engages in the shared use of its medical database. For information on the items of personal data subject to shared use, the scope of joint users and the purpose of use, please refer to the website( of Nihon Ultrmarc Inc., which is responsible for administering the database.

4. How we accept requests for disclosure, etc.

We accept requests for disclosure, etc., from the actual person (notification of the purposes of usage of personal information, disclosure, corrections, etc., termination of usage, deletion and termination of provision to third persons) in the following ways.

(1) Please fill in the necessary items on our specified form, and mail it to the contact below.

Address: 1-3-7, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0004 Japan

Name: Personal Information Administrator, KYORIN Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

(2) Please present the following documents for us to confirm that the request has been made by the actual person or by his/her agent. Please note that the documents you supply will not be returned, but stored appropriately at our company.

1. For confirming the person
  • Copy of driver’s license or passport, and original copy of abstract of family register or resident’s card
  • Those not possessing a driver’s license or passport are asked to present a copy of their health insurance certificate or pension notebook, and an original copy of the abstract of their family register or their resident’s card.
2. To confirm an agent
  • To confirm personal identity of agent
    Same as 1 above
  • To confirm the representative capacity (statutory agent for underage or wards who are of age)
    Copy of family register and document indicating the court decision (for agent entrusted by the person to request disclosure, etc.)
    Letter of attorney affixed with the registered seal of the person and the person’s certificate of seal registration
  • We will forward our response by mail approximately two weeks after we receive the necessary documents.

5. Contact for inquiry

We accept any complaints, matters of consultation and inquiries about the handling of personal information by our company at the following.

Address: 1-3-7, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0004, Japan

Name: Legal and Corporate Compliance, KYORIN Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Tel: 03-6374-9726

Fax: 03-6374-9694

6. The accredited organization for protecting personal information to which the company belongs

The company is a member of the Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers‘ Associations of Japan, the personal information protection organization accredited by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. The federation handles complaints and gives advice in relation to the handling of personal information by the members.

7. Contact

Personal Information Protection Center, the Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers‘ Associations of Japan.

Address: Tokyo Yakugyo Kaikan, 1-5, 2-chome Nihonbashi-honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0023

Telephone: 03-3270-1810

Business hours: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm (closed on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays and other designated holidays)
