Carrying Out Environmentally Friendly Business Activities

Basic stance

The Kyorin Group’s Charter of Corporate Conduct details our understanding that “the tackling of environmental issues is a mission for all humankind and an imperative component of the very existence of corporations to which it remains voluntarily committed.” Business activities that take into account climate change and other environmental considerations are one example of our materiality.

Following our basic policy our stainability, the Group promotes reduced use of the environmentally harmful materials and the effective use of the world’s limited resources through energy and resource conservation, waste reduction, and enhanced chemical substance management in all our business activities. By setting and constantly reviewing objectives and targets for these initiatives, we are voluntarily and proactively committed to protecting the environment and preventing pollution.

Information disclosure based on TCFD recommendations

We have endorsed the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Following those recommendations, we have identified climate-related risks and opportunities and are addressing climate change and other environmental issues.


The Group has established an Environmental Committee, chaired by the corporate officer in charge, to implement and promote environmental measures, including ones addressing climate change, as a structure to consider environmental measures at the Group level.

Led by General Affairs, the committee is primarily composed of directors, corporate auditors, and corporate officers responsible for plants and research centers doing business related to the environment in local communities or involved in management strategies. It considers responses to environmental issues (vision, targets, road maps, etc.), then reviews them.

In coordination with environmental, health, and safety (EHS) activities, the committee identifies and evaluates risks and opportunities related to climate change and comprehensively compiles additional measures that it proposes to the Management Committee, with the resulting decisions reported to the Board of Directors.

Environmental management structure


Regarding environmental issues, we are pursuing the challenge of “carbon neutrality by 2050” as part of our long-term vision. We are considering a gradual transition and new capital investments in energy from renewable sources to reduce CO2 emissions, with a target of “reducing CO2 emissions 46% from the fiscal 2015 level by fiscal 2030.”

We are promoting the effective use of the world’s limited resources and have set targets to protect the environment under the important themes of preventing global warming, protecting resources, and living in harmony with the natural environment.

All Group plants have obtained ISO 14001 certification, an international standard for environmental management systems. We will maintain and continue these measures going forward.

Risk management

The effects on the Kyorin Group’s business and management from global warming and climate change themselves, as well as changes to the business environment from long-term policy related to climate change, are broken down as physical risks and earnings opportunities caused by climate change and transition risks to a decarbonized society, and undergo a scenario analysis.

The scenario analysis is carried out by referencing documents and materials including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (the IPCC’s) Sixth Assessment Report’s SSP 1-1.9 (1.5˚C scenario) and SSP 5-8.5 (4˚C scenario).

1.5℃ Scenario

Transition Risks
Segment Event Risks Response policy
Policies, laws and regulations Introduction of an environmental (carbon) tax
  • The introduction of an environmental (carbon) tax on greenhouse gas emissions related to research, manufacturing, and marketing could increase costs.
  • Further promote activities to reduce CO2emissions with the establishment of the Environmental Committee
  • Transition gradually to electric power from renewable sources at plants and research centers
  • Replace sales force vehicles with hybrid vehicles
  • Efficiently use the EHS management system
Installation of equipment and machinery
  • The replacement of existing equipment with new models that can operate with renewable energy as a result of newly enacted laws and regulations could increase costs.
  • Consider new installations and systematically upgrade equipment to energy-saving models and machinery
Market Changes in procurement/ operational costs
  • Increasing the percentage of electric power generated from renewable energy sources could raise the cost of electric power procurement.
  • Responses to transition risks by suppliers and logistics subcontractors could increase manufacturing and logistics costs.
  • Systematically introduce electric power generated from renewable sources
  • Consider installation of highly efficient machinery
  • Cooperate with suppliers, logistics subcontractors, and others to reduce logistics costs
Evaluation Assessment from investors
  • Delays in the Company’s introduction of climate change countermeasures could erode investor confidence and negatively affect the share price.
  • Insufficient disclosure of information could reduce share price.
  • Disclose timely and appropriate information including status of climate change countermeasures
  • Participate in external surveys

4℃ Scenario

Physical Risks
Segment Event Risks Response policy
Acute risk Direct damage from unusual weather (typhoons, heavy rains, etc.)
  • Localized heavy rains, large typhoons, etc., could cause flooding, halt operations, and necessitate repair expenses at research, manufacturing, and logistics centers.
  • In addition to Group facilities, supply chain disruptions (affecting materials procurement and shipment logistics) could occur.
  • Consider and implement equipment plans that envision water damage, etc.
  • Carry out drills that envision emergencies
  • Appropriately manage inventories
  • Secure multiple and alternative suppliers of materials
Chronic risk Changes in location of centers, procurement, and operations from changes in climate patterns, higher temperatures, rising sea levels, etc.
  • Several research and manufacturing centers are located near rivers, and sea levels are rising due to higher temperatures. Flood susceptibility countermeasures in response to changes in climate patterns and reviews of locations could increase costs.
  • Responses to physical risks by suppliers and logistics subcontractors could lead to higher market prices and increase manufacturing and logistics costs.
  • Air-conditioning temperature management in manufacturing, warehousing, and logistics in response to higher temperatures could increase costs.
  • Consider and implement equipment plans that envision water damage, etc.
  • Appropriately manage inventories
  • Consider optimizing locations from a business continuity planning (BCP) perspective
  • Secure multiple and alternative suppliers of materials
  • Improve energy efficiency
Earnings Opportunities
Segment Event Earnings opportunity Response policy
Market changes Changes in disease trends
  • Increases in infectious disease from rising temperatures could increase the Company’s business opportunities.
  • Demand and scope of appropriate use of our products for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of infectious disease could increase and expand.
  • Develop solution-based marketing activities for infectious diseases
  • Proactively invest in pipeline expansion

Indicators and targets

Tackling environmental issues is a mission for all humankind. We are voluntarily pursuing the challenge of “carbon neutrality by 2050” as an imperative component for the very existence of corporations.

2030 target: Reduce CO2 emissions (Scope 1 + Scope 2) 46% in fiscal 2030 vs. fiscal 2015 level

CO2 emissions and percentage reduction vs. fiscal 2015 (Scope 1 + Scope 2) level

Image: CO2 emissions and percentage reduction vs. fiscal 2015 (Scope 1 + Scope 2) level

Measures toward achieving targets

Systematic upgrades and proactive capital investment in equipment

For manufacturing equipment, air conditioning, and other equipment no longer needed, we are systematically upgrading to new equipment with superior energy-conservation functions, while introducing LED lighting and other measures to reduce CO2 emissions.

In addition, following a review conducted in fiscal 2023, we are introducing concrete measures for proactive capital investment in heat conversion and highly efficient machinery.

Photo: Takaoka Plant

The Takaoka Plant, which commenced operations in April 2024, is using very efficient equipment systems and machinery to reduce the amount of energy used, compared with that of previously existing manufacturing centers.

It is also using liquefied natural gas (LNG), other clean energy, and renewable energy including hydroelectric power to reduce air pollution and global warming, making it possible to decrease CO2 emissions to one-sixth those given off by heavy oil and thermal power.

We are also working to lessen the environmental impact of wastewater and have completed installation of equipment to prevent pollution of nearby rivers and emission of odors in surrounding areas.

Image: Renewable Energy Heat Pump (ReHP)
Renewable Energy Heat Pump (ReHP)

The WATARASE Research Center has installed ReHP* technology. Operation of this system during fiscal 2023 reduced electric power consumption 58,502 kWh and CO2 emissions roughly 23 tons compared with those from conventional heat pumps for air conditioning and heating, achieving energy savings of roughly 29%.

* A Renewable Energy Heat Pump (ReHP) is a highly efficient heat pump that uses renewable energy. The ReHP installed at two adjacent buildings (CS and LAB1) at the WATARASE Research Center uses geothermal heat and unused waste heat from a water chiller as a heat source and circulates heated water in a single loop used by air-conditioning and water-heating equipment to increase energy efficiency.

Introducing renewable energy

We are working to reduce CO2 emissions by gradually replacing electric power at research centers and plants with power from renewable sources.

Reducing number of sales force vehicles and replacing with hybrid vehicles

From the perspective of preventing global warming, we are reducing the number of sales force vehicles and replacing vehicles with ecologically friendly versions including low-emission vehicles and hybrid vehicles.

As of March 2024, all 837 sales force vehicles met the standard for low emission, and of these, 333 are hybrid vehicles, which were introduced in 2004. In addition, these vehicles adhere to the Ministry of the Environment’s “Eco-Driving” guidelines regarding their impact on the environment and for traffic safety.

Other initiatives

Water resource management

In addition to monitoring the volumes of water intake and wastewater outflow, we are striving to preserve water resources by using wastewater treatment buildings and primary treatment equipment at research centers and plants for the appropriate management of the quality of water outflow.

Water intake during fiscal 2023 totaled 219 thousand m3 , and wastewater volume amounted to 101 thousand m3 , with wastewater pH, BOD, and SS at all research centers and plants within standard levels.

Air pollution management

We regularly measure and manage soot particles as well as NOx and SOx emissions from boilers and generators.

Reducing waste materials

We are proactively implementing 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) initiatives for waste materials to effectively use limited resources.

Chemical substance management

We strive to appropriately manage specified chemical substances by following the Japanese government’s Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers (PRTR) system.


Noshiro Plant participates in a citizen’s volunteer activity to protect the Kaze-no-Matsubara pine forest near the plant, to provide local residents with a place to relax.

In addition, WATARASE Research Center has installed birdhouses in trees adjacent to the WATARASE YUSUICHI wetland and confirmed the location of nests as a way to enhance the environment for wild animals in the Center’s grounds.

Kyorin Group material flow (Fiscal 2023)

Kyorin Group material flow (Fiscal 2023)

CO2 emissions (Scope 1, 2, and 3)

The Kyorin Group strives to expand the scope of coverage to calculate CO2 emissions throughout its supply chains.

Scope 3Other indirect emissions
  • Purchased products and services
  • Capital goods
  • Fuel- and energy-related activities not included in Scope 1 or 2
  • Business travel
  • Employee commuting
Scope1Direct emissions from the use of
fuel in-house and industrial processes
  • Direct emissions
Scope2Indirect emissions associated
with use of purchased electricity and heat
  • Indirect emissions from energy sources
Scope 3Other indirect emissions
  • Waste materials from businesses
  • Disposal of products sold
Scope 3Other indirect emissions
  • Transport, delivery

CO2 emissions (Scope 1 + Scope 2)

Displays a graph of CO2 emissions (Scope 1 + Scope 2)

Amount of energy used

Displays a graph of Amount of energy used

Volume of Water Used

Displays a graph of Volume of Water Used

Volume of sewer water

Displays a graph of Volume of sewer water

Waste volume in relation to sales

Displays a graph of Waste volume in relation to sales

Amount of packaging recycled

Displays a graph of Amount of packaging recycled